All these talk about love, yet human is the most wicked of
God's creation. If only we practiced what we preach, the world wouldn't be in
such a mess right now. And because there's so much emphasis on this day,
the 14th, allow me to school you a bit.
Love is beyond human reconciliation, it is not enough to
confess it, and neither is it enough to be perceived as the physical and external
expression of human emotion. It's way more profound than that.
Love is within, look inwards and let it shine through.
Love should reflect peace, not envy and wrath.
Love is not competitive, it's given and received
There shouldn't be just a day set out for love
Every day is to love
Love is life
Love is to live.
God is love.
Happy Valentines Day guys!!
Click To Also Read: His Heartbeat
#ValentinesDay #love #KolawoleSolomon #ksmtotheworld
#kaymagante #ARF #Inspiration
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