You Owe No One An Apology For Wanting More

You Owe No One An Apology For Wanting More

You don't owe anyone an explanation for wanting more. As long as it feels right, it's worth the fight. Only you truly understand the vision, so don't expect too much from anyone else. If you are lucky to find someone who believes in your dreams, then he or she must be God sent.

It's YOURS, that's why it is 'YOUR DREAM'!

Dreams are like eggs waiting to be hatched. They need to be properly incubated if we are to get the best result. Let's not also forget that a lot of external factors like climate change, snakes and hawks threaten this process, to name a few.

The fact that it's a dream doesn't necessarily mean it will become a reality. You have to make it!! This is where courage comes to play.
Courageous people don't worry about things that are out of their control or things that are unlikely to happen. They concentrate on what they can control and are driven by hope.

Do what you can, be focused.
Don't allow any situation to control you, decide to take control of the situation, knowing that the end will justify the means.

Don't allow the noise or the bad situation you see around you to chip you off. Stay determined.

Like Cobhams Asuquo said, being focused is blindness in a sense, you have to be blind to the distractions or circumstances around you to remain focused.

Greatness is coming your way.

God is a finisher and his plans for us are good, not evil, to bring us to an expected end. If he has said it then he will do it. Have faith and keep pressing forward!

"Don't wait for a perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect." Waiting for a perfect moment is like waiting for Christmas in May, it will never come.
Take what you have right there, right now and run with it.

No one said it will be easy. As a matter of fact, neither did FAITH but there is an assurance that it is POSSIBLE.

"If you love what you do and are willing to do what it takes, it's within your reach and it'll be worth every minute you spend alone at night, thinking and thinking about what it is you want to design or build." —Steve Wozniak

Things might not be as perfect as planned but we've laid our bed and we must find a comfortable way to lie in it.

I have never seen one great man who had it easy.

Before learning to walk, you crawl. Before you run, you walk. Before you leap, you run. Life is all about taking the necessary steps to get to where you want to.

Focus on your journey. Live excitedly knowing that one day, your time will come.

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." —Walt Disney

I long for that priceless moment when the sunshine takes away all life's shadows.

We must know that in achieving our dreams, we must be prepared to fight many demons.

God doesn't take us in a straight line. There are twists and turns. It may not happen the way we want, but the disappointments and heartbreaks are all a part of God's plan.

Dream big, don't let anything or anyone wake you while at it. And if you desire bigger beds and floppy pillows, throw your life savings at it. The juice will eventually be worth the squeeze, however, we must know that when we submit to God's guidance, He leads us into glory and honour, not shame and reproach.

To fulfil dreams, we need the One who has put those visions in us. He plants those seeds of greatness and He's the only one who can help us cultivate them. He is also the harvester and He does a great job, trust me.

With courage, tenacity, persistence, faith, humility and a positive mindset, you can achieve just about anything you desire.

Don't be satisfied with mediocrity you have only just started. Be daring, break grounds, stick your neck out and flow with your gut river. Your dream is possible, you're possible, make it happen.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore

Kolawole Solomon

When my pen bleeds, expressions are kept close to my heart, and as it bleeds the words from deep within through my writings, I discover I have created art. I display a piece of my soul. This is my work, my blood, and it should be an object of pride, no matter how much it is criticized or praised.
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