Something Happened!

Something Happened!

Last week, I met a lady at my stylist's shop, omorr! she is a beauty

Her dimples were revealed when she put on a smiling face

I admired God's perfect work of art, e dey create

So, unknowing to me, she had been gazing at my hair too

At a point, she said, "sis! is this your natural hair? and I said, yes!


"I admire your full and long hair", she said

I admire her dimples, she admires my natural hair

Funny right?

But, the truth is, we all have different things in common, God created everyone


you can read that again

you have what I don't have

I have what you don't have( that's life)

Everyone is beautifully and wonderfully made by God

Hear this...

You're beautiful

You're phenomenal

You're different

You're rare

You're one of kind

You're God's perfect work of art


Hope this blesses someone?

Thanks for reading through...

Hellen Adebayo

Click To Also Read: Success Comes Through What You EngageYour Time With

#God #Creation #ThelightPEN #HellenAdebayo #TEDGospel #ksmtotheworld #kaymagnate #KolawoleSolomon #ARF #Inspiration

Kolawole Solomon

When my pen bleeds, expressions are kept close to my heart, and as it bleeds the words from deep within through my writings, I discover I have created art. I display a piece of my soul. This is my work, my blood, and it should be an object of pride, no matter how much it is criticized or praised.
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