Be A Singing Victoria

Be A Singing Victoria

In 2017, I stumbled upon the voice of Victoria Orenze. Her song "set me on fire" was a song birthed in the secret place for revival. Except you are not a serious believer, you cannot play "SET ME ON FIRE" and not get revived. It's impossible. 

Victoria Orenze is one unique woman I follow. Her life is a testament that the possibilities of God are not limited to a particular gender. If there can be a MOSES, there can also be a DEBORAH in Israel

You might ask "what makes Victoria so special?" She has found purpose through her gift. We have many female singers whose voices are just for pleasure. I'm a lover of any song that talks about genuine love, be it agape love or the love that drives our emotions crazy. It is why I am a big fan of Johnny Drille and the late Shirley Bassey

But you see, we are spiritual beings. Here's what our spirit needs to survive, gain stamina, be productive, and be active. It needs words! Living words that will burn a heart when it is finding it comfortable to dwell in sin, words that will comfort a heart when it is going through pain, words that will teach a heart the ways of God. As a woman, can your voice do this? 

Victoria Orenze has been able to express a dimension of God through her songs. We need women like Victoria Orenze. Her songs are very simple but their depths can't be seen. 

We don't just need women who want to sing and wait for applause, we want women who will use their voices to break the stony hearts of men and give the Holy Spirit access to change them. 

May your womanhood never experience dryness.

May your womanhood house God.

May your womanhood never bring shame to God. 

It's one thing to be a woman, it is another thing to be a woman that can give life. Mary gave birth to Jesus who saved his people, Eve gave birth to Cain who slew his brother. Fertility does not always mean productivity. 

May your womb never carry that which will make men call you cursed. 

May the Spirit of Wisdom guide you. 

©John Ogah

Click To Also Read: Marry A Man That Loves Your Soul And NotJust Your Physical Appearance

#Beawomanwithjohnogah #victoriaorenze #shirleybassey #music #johnnydrille #johnogah #ksmtotheworld #kaymagnate #KolawoleSolomon #ARF #Inspiration

Kolawole Solomon

When my pen bleeds, expressions are kept close to my heart, and as it bleeds the words from deep within through my writings, I discover I have created art. I display a piece of my soul. This is my work, my blood, and it should be an object of pride, no matter how much it is criticized or praised.
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