You are worth Jesus

You matter to God

You matter to God

It was a day just like every other day, but this particular one carried a tone of difference.

I had never thought of this truth that I had just walked into, a truth hemmed in on a reality I hadn't even considered.

This truth?

I mattered to God.

Whoosh! The words washed over me with such depth and warmth.

That the creator of the entire universe, the God who crafted me literally after his image and likeness says that I matter to him.

What exactly does this mean for you?

You matter to God and he does not play about you.

There is literally no length, height or depth he will not go for you.

You matter to your heavenly father, I know that there may have been circumstances and things and events that have shown up that may have questioned this, or you, if truly God cares about you.

Yes, he cares extensively about you.

And everything about your life matters to him, he sent his son Jesus to take your place at the cross.

Jesus is the prize and proof of how much you matter to God.

He is not withholding anything from you, he desires to fulfill his promises in your life, he desires strongly to show you just how much by allowing him into the deep recesses of your heart.

Even the places where it feels like there is nothing here anymore.

This today, is the reminder that you need to know, you matter to God.

You and everything about and around you, matter extensively to God.


Will you rise from that place of disbelief and fear? Will you awaken your heart to this truth? 

That yes, indeed, YOU matter to God.

Kolawole Solomon

When my pen bleeds, expressions are kept close to my heart, and as it bleeds the words from deep within through my writings, I discover I have created art. I display a piece of my soul. This is my work, my blood, and it should be an object of pride, no matter how much it is criticized or praised.
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