Yes, YOU, you are not small. It was one afternoon, I received a message from a friend I had met way back and his message to me reads Mary, God says to tell you, you are not small. I received the word with a pinch of salt, wondering what is he talking about. But Trust the Holy Spirit to remind you of the word spoken, almost resounding in your ears like, hey, you, get this, you are not small. I need you to believe this. As I pondered more on the words, the realization that I actually saw myself as small, hit me like a wave of water at the beach. HARD, yet soft at the same time. I went back to the LORD and said yes, indeed I did not see myself as anything, this had nothing to do with humility but everything to do with a wrong mindset and perception of me that was not in alignment with what my heavenly Father says and is saying concerning me. And just the way I accepted that word, this is me giving you the word, YOU ARE NOT SMALL. You were made and crafted by a very BIG God and he has called you out and put his hand of greatness upon you and is reminding you today, that you are not small. There is so much more for you and he is calling you up to think and see YOU like He sees You. You are not small. You are a masterpiece so divine. It is time to let the Light and greatness on the inside of you shine through. You are not small, YOU ARE GREAT, and You are for God.You Are Not Small
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