What did you do with your time?
What did you buy with your time?
Who did you seek with your time?
What did you gain with your time?
Hmm, these are the most important things you should know when dealing with time.
People engage in so many things with their time each day and nothing to gain out of it.
We all want to be successful in life just like our successful #leaders without considering the word TIME in our lives.. success does not just come but through what you engage your time with..
What we also spend our money on also matters..you want to be successful, spend your money on knowledge..
Be a knowledge seeker and stop wasting your time or money on things that won't add value to your life but on things that will bring out the best in you..
For great leaders and successful people are always great readers..They keep seeking and asking questions and getting things done in a better way.. Read #books, get insight, occupy yourself with people that matters..learn from them.
CHARLIE TREMENDOUS JONES once said: you're the same today as you will be in five years except for two things: The people you meet and the books you read..
Buy your time wisely..
Use your time wisely..
#success #time #ksmtotheworld #kaymagnate #kolawolesolomon #KS #seekknowledge #buyknowledge #inspiration
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