3. It depends on the force behind the Word— (Luke 19:30-35).
4. Your faith — (Matthew 21:21-22, Hebrews 11:6A, Matthew 9:20-22, Mark
5. You forsake sin — (Isaiah 59:2).
6. Because God is faithful — (1 Thessalonians 5:24).
As I conclude, unforgiveness, Un-surrendered spirit and sin are three major
factors that will hinder the Word of God from being operational in our lives.
Unfortunately, the devil knows this and that's why he accuses man's destinies. Many complain about praying ceaselessly, yet they don't
receive the desired answers but how do God honour your request when you do not
honour His Word?
Think about it!!!
While you do that, remember, that words are powerful, even more powerful is the
Word of God. Resolve the rest of your life to leveraging on the victory He
gives, for at the mention of His name, everything BOWS.
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