God can work in our lives suddenly and miraculously; but a lot of times, He takes us through a process. And contrary to what many think, you'll be amazed to know that the reason God is not changing our circumstances is that He is using the circumstances to change us.
God is more concerned with your character than your comfort. He is not a wicked God. He hears your prayers and works out your salvation. And salvation in this context doesn't only mean your citizenship into the family of God but taking you through the whole process of BREAKING, RECREATING and USING you.
Your living becomes more intentional. It is a fresh start that has you factory fitted with new instructions for a new direction — 'HOP' (Heaven's Own Project)
Often when we are convicted of sin, we become grouchy while God is dealing with us. Until we admit our sin, become ready to turn from it, and ask for forgiveness, we feel a pressure that squeezes out the worse we have in us. As soon as we come into agreement with God, the peace returns, and our behaviour improves. There's no going forward until there's a going back, and that is us retracing our steps to our Source. The journey to the treasure Island isn't quite a walk in the park kinda thing, you're going to have to sweat your purse out, understanding that when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
I am a perfect example of “The God working out our salvation†theory and you'll be amazed by the things I've been through in the last decades. I have taken jobs to load and offload bags of cement on a construction site, carrying over a thousand bags on my head, although I went to the University to study Building but ended up as a labourer. I have also taken jobs as a personal and company driver and done marketing jobs without pay just to survive. You know, many of my friends, colleagues and peeps that practically looked up to me in school are now married with children and living their best lives, and here I am still trying to seek direction for my life. Not that I'm complaining, by the way, just simply stating the obvious so you can learn.
Please come with me...
I gave my life to Christ about a decade ago but today I still struggle. Not because God is dead, but knowing Christ doesn't take away the problem, it only helps you overcome them. I guess all am trying to say is that through God working out your salvation, you'll have to sit in a boat with the devil and he'll ruffle you up a bit.
So, never be afraid to struggle. You are a work in progress. There is absolutely no shame in working hard to reach your goals. As a matter of fact, you will realize that your struggle was actually God preparing you for your destiny; by closing doors that needed to be closed and opening doors that needed to be opened.
Sometimes things must change so you can change.
Sometimes you have to go through the storm so you can realize how awesome and wonderful you are.
Sometimes mistakes must be made, so wisdom can be earned.
Sometimes you must deal with pain so you can have unspeakable joy.
You may be facing difficulties today, but stand strong in faith, knowing that God will turn things around.
Your trial didn't come to stay; it came to pass.
If you are going to be all God created you to be, you have to start by being okay with who you are today while understanding that you will get better. God's fingerprints are all over you.
You are important!
You have value!
You are great!
You are wonderfully made!
When the going gets rough, and it will, you cannot run away. You cannot quit. The longer you faithfully obey the Lord, regardless of the circumstances, the stronger your faith becomes.
You have to get rid of the 'victim' mentality and start having a victorious one. The One who lives in you is a conqueror, so are you. (1 John 4:4)
You were made for a specific purpose for this generation, and as you seek the Kingdom of God, the Lord is going to show you what it is.
It is in that purpose that you will find contentment, success, and pure joy!
Stay in the process and keep moving forward with Him.
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