How you see matters

Perspective is Everything

Perspective is Everything.

The problem is not the problem, how you are seeing the problem Is.

Oftentimes, we find ourselves looking at life and its many navigations (Challenges) through the lens of our experiences and pain.

Imagine your lens, broken, stained or even dusty and you had that same glasses on, what would your view look like?

Yes, absolutely, a shady view, filled with so much dust and even almost guile.

This is what our view of life, challenges, circumstances and situations look like.

If this is what looking through a stained glass looks like, what do you think the feeling would be like, in association with seeing?

Your perspective about a matter, matters.

How are you currently seeing?

With what lens are you looking at yourself, challenges and situations from?

You need the right lens to look from, you need to see yourself right, so you can see that situation the right way.

There is a right way to sight that brings about solutions, so it is safe to say that sight heralds results and manifestations in your life.

How can you start seeing differently?

Clean the lens through which you are viewing the world, your life and many other things.

You can do this by reading the word of God, get knowledge or information about that matter and then begin to take action on it.

Decide that you will begin to do the necessary work of cleaning and eliminating what is not needed for your progress and manifestation.

Get new pairs of glasses, there is such a thing as unlearning things.

Yes, that which you hold on to is no longer useful for this new version of you that exists, imagine if what you learnt in grade 2 is what you are still learning at high school or university!

The disparity is clear.

So update your sight, update your learnings, be grateful for past knowledge that worked and get rid of what is no longer needed.

Relearn where necessary and learn new what is needed for the transition and progress paths you are on.

Change your lens, change your view.

Change your lens, change how you interact with situations, people and the world at large.

Change your lens, change your experiences.

It is time to EVOLVE.

Kolawole Solomon

When my pen bleeds, expressions are kept close to my heart, and as it bleeds the words from deep within through my writings, I discover I have created art. I display a piece of my soul. This is my work, my blood, and it should be an object of pride, no matter how much it is criticized or praised.
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