I am Assent Tweed and my surname is Osaremeh Okoduwah
I'm the first of the seven children that were brought to this world by my parents (3 boys and 4 girls). I was born and raised in Sapele, Delta State, Nigeria.
I had a very hectic childhood, no child should experience such hardship, though my parents worked so hard to meet us at the point of our needs. Truly, life is not a bed of roses and I had mine filled with thorns and bricks but I guess all of these made me what I am today and that I will forever be thankful for. It was a training ground for me and rather than allowing it to break me, I looked onto the positives and made every fall an avenue to stand up stronger and that helped shape my world. Right from my teenage days, I have always thought of the best for myself, looking away from the circumstances I am surrounded by every day and all I did and still doing is to aim high always and get inspired by people who are ahead of me.
My Salvation story is such a mind-blowing one considering the circumstances surrounding it. God is indeed an extraordinary strategist. When I thought I was getting dressed for a PARTY, little did I know I was getting dressed for an encounter that would change my destiny. God had His plans in place.
We had just finished secondary school and I and my friends were meant to attend a party in a Girl's school and we'd agreed to use an automobile belonging to the dad of one of them but he turned us down on that very day of the party. It was quite unfortunate and heartbreaking, as we got the information when we were all dressed up and ready to pull out and so as a form of consolation, I decided to attend a concert that was put together by these four young brothers in a group called G-Light across the road from my friend's house.
The concert was titled (KINGDOM BEAT) and the rest is history. It was a wonderful time under the anointing of their voice and musical instruments, I have never heard or seen music performed that way and all I can remember was that I came out when the altar call was made and got born again. Prior to that concert, music was not something I intended to venture into, although there were signs and interest, there was never a push; inspiration or motivation, but that day, I was at peace and when I got home that night, I told my mum about my experience and she was excited.
I had a dream that same night and for the first time, I could put a storyline on my dream or make sense out of it. I saw myself playing the keyboard and singing at the same time under a tent with a cream and orange colour, I was shocked. When I woke up, I told my parents about the dream and my mom asked me to go back to the church to inform them. I yielded to mom's advice that morning and went over to the church and told the Pastor about the dream and immediately he sent for the keyboardist of the church. The Pastor introduced me to him and asked him to teach me the keyboard and that's how we started a keyboard class that was subsequently joined by other interested members of the church. One to two years later in ASCOM BADAGRY, I was singing for the first time under that same tent, I saw in my dream, the capacity of that tent was about 2000 and more, with the exact colour and size.
My journey thus far;
The challenges were enormous considering that I came from a background where we lacked the required necessities of life. I was irritating, disturbing and demanding to everyone around me. It was hard but the vision was clear, I had a clear direction and that kept me going. Hebrews 12:2 says, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our Faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God".
Look away from the challenges and circumstances around you to the director and creator Jesus Christ, and that's what I did.
I was focused and determined. Mind you, I did not know how to play the piano, talk more about singing. I had to push without recognizing the barriers. I also think God decided to blind my views so that I did not notice or give them attention. I must confess, I worked so hard and I didn't deserve any of the things I went through in life but I guess these challenges built me up and I'm thankful for the man I've grown to be and the sky is just the starting point, as I have 5 albums on iTunes, Amazon and many other online stores already, with all #songs written and composed by me… Hallelujah!
My parting word for those who are currently undergoing what l went through before l gave my life to Jesus Christ is this; If this is your call and purpose in life, then keep at it, in just a matter of time, you will shine through. My story alone tells it all, you can't give up on the call. Make sure your craft is treated with care and be sure you give your best and all to it while building. Most importantly, the Bible says in Matthew 6:33 (KJV), “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto youâ€. Don't be carried away by the good things of life or the fame and recognition but focus on the things that matter on your way up and the Lord who has started a great thing in you will finish it.
I pray that your questions are answered, that my #story has inspired you to greatness. Amen
#AssentTweed #DontGiveUp #Keyboardist #salvationstories #kaymagnate #ksmtotheworld #kolawolesolomon #KS #inspiration
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