I Was Gay For Over Twenty Years Amidst Drug Abuse —Aaron Adjetey Akrong

I Was Gay For Over Twenty Years Amidst Drug Abuse —Aaron Adjetey Akrong

My name is Aaron Adjetey Akrong, a saved soul, who was gay for over 20yrs amidst drug abuse. I was championing the cause of the LGBT in Ghana. I nearly got married to my gay partner until God did what He does best. Now, I'm a man of God, turning many unto God through the power of God's Son, Jesus The Christ.

I'm from a Christian family of seven boys. I stayed with my father, stepmother and brothers. 

I studied TV and Film Production at GH Media School (Tertiary).

I grew up in Accra Newtown, a suburb of the Greater Accra Region, the capital city of Ghana. My childhood was a bit fun. I was ready to do anything to be happy, loved and cared for. I didn't get the chance to stay with my real mother, although that's what I yearned for. However, I don't want to relate that to my sexuality. I've always had this girlish tendency. I talked, walked, laughed and felt like a girl. I literally behaved like a girl.

My first encounter with a guy was at the age of 9 years. It happened when we were playing and I offered to play a girl role for him so he can be my boyfriend and we had fun afterwards and that continued for quite a while.

My salvation story started in 2015 when I started having some weird dreams and strange happenings like finding ants biting my eardrums, etc. I get frightened whenever it happened and ran to church for vigil because I knew deep down within me that these dreams and strange happenings were not normal. Unfortunately, once those dreams and strange happenings stopped, I went back to my crazy lifestyle, as I used to call it (my normal self) so these things continued for some time.

One day, I had a dream — I was kidnapped by a group of rich people. It was more like a cult. They said they've heard a lot about me and mentioned a lot of things I did and the places I went to. They wanted me to succeed one of their elders but I said NO! “I will serve God”. They promised me everything (money, cars, houses and fame etc.) but I kept saying NO! “I will serve God”. There in the dream, some renowned people came in with their porch cars to convince me to accept their offer and I kept saying NO! “I will serve God” so they said if I don't accept the offer, they won't let me go. Anytime I tried to escape, they sent dogs after me and caught me but I was still saying NO! “I will serve God”, then I realized one of my friends had been kidnapped too and he was given the same offer which he accepted unfortunately because he couldn't stand the torture. I tried to talk him out of it but he didn't listen.

Meanwhile, as the dream progressed, I tried escaping again and as always, the dogs were released to chase me. This time, I wasn't caught as I kept struggling to escape till I woke up, so I wasn't surprised when I became born again. Most of my friends tried to talk me out of it, however, saying I've been brainwashed and it was all lies etc and will be here to welcome me when I come back to my right senses. Through it all, I met Rev. Timothy Bentum and Mr Andrew Adanuty who happens to be my lecturer. They told me some of the things I was experiencing through divine revelations and we prayed about them. It got to a time when I went to church and the prophet gave a prophecy about my life, I smiled because everything they said was true and I had even seen them in my dreams.

I had my first encounter with Jesus, from the 19th to the 20th of September 2018. 

On the 19th, a friend told me about the same dream I had about myself and later in the evening, I went to church and the Prophet ministering on that day also told me the same thing and said “God has a purpose for my life and wants me to live a righteous life, and even more. Right there, the things he said started manifesting. I got super scared like never before, so after service, I went for a night vigil and Mr Andrew Adanuty called me out and started saying the same thing relating to my dreams and strange happenings. He said I needed to repent totally and surrender all to God through Jesus Christ. I went through some prayer sessions and was told I will be a man of God, so when I got home that day, I cried out asking God “why me ...?” On that same night, I had a dream, asking the Holy Spirit why me ...? And the Holy Spirit told me “He wanted to change my life for His Glory and Honor. People will know, with God all things are possible. Many will look at what God is about to do with you and denounce their old ways. “The cool ones will look up to you for change but the stubborn ones like yourself will have an encounter with Jesus too, but there's no time!”

Suddenly, I woke up and prayed, saying “Let Thy will be done, Oh Lord!” Since then, I've been having dreams about people and anytime I tell them about it, they give me confirmation about all I've said be true. All glory to God! I didn't know what was going on initially, so I ran to tell Rev. Timothy Bentum and Mr Andrew Adanuty and according to them, I'll be having more of these dreams and should write them down whenever I do because there's an assignment on my life. Sincerely, that got me a bit curious and somewhat worried because I thought I was going to live a normal life as everyone else after repentance. But then, as rightly stated, it continued. One time, I asked if it wasn't too early for this, because I just repented, but I was told God has His ways of doing things and He moves with us in different ways and paces.

On 3rd November 2018, I went to mountain Olive at Nkawkaw (Eastern Region of Ghana) to spend some time in prayer. There, I had an encounter with Jesus in a dream. I saw myself living my gay lifestyle on the mountain and the elders caught me and I was surrounded by the people there. They said what I carry (homosexuality) or what I brought to the mountain is forbidden in the presence of God, and needed to confess my sins in order to be forgiven. But when I tried confessing, I found it difficult to speak and that kept happening till the Holy Spirit came from behind and tapped my shoulders and said “Speak my son and your sins will be forgiven”. Finally, I was able to speak out and confessed my sins and felt so relieved. When I woke up, I felt different and free. Hallelujah!

Later in my journey, I struggled with porn and masturbation. It was like a step forward, two steps back, on and off thing for me. I fasted and prayed several times about it, taking all precautions just to stop but I realized after fasting and praying. I needed to discipline my body. I need to walk in the spirit so I won't fulfil the lust of my flesh and that was an eye-opener for me.

My journey has been like a roller coaster — Up and down. I remember when I found myself in the struggle of lust, there were times I just wanted to give up on everything. There were times I just wanted to end my life. I went through series of confusion but in all, God showed Himself so strongly. He kept His words. 

God is faithful, that's all I can say. 

I know there's a myth out there that goes like...” once gay, always gay” but with God all things are possible and there's nothing too hard for Him to do. Jesus can save you no matter how far you've gone. All you need to do is to invite Him into your life to be your Lord and personal Savior. He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

You are not beyond saving.

Yes, You!

#LGBT #AaronAdjeteyAkrong #ghana #gay #homosexuality #salvationstories #ksmtotheworld #kaymagnate #inspiration

Kolawole Solomon

When my pen bleeds, expressions are kept close to my heart, and as it bleeds the words from deep within through my writings, I discover I have created art. I display a piece of my soul. This is my work, my blood, and it should be an object of pride, no matter how much it is criticized or praised.
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