Be Flexible I remember one new year service years ago, the guest minister invited started to share the word he had received for the year and how the LORD was saying to someone in the congregation to be flexible. My goodness! I thought this word is for me, how I knew that it was for me could only be by the Spirit of God. I embraced that word strongly and that very year I was introduced into coaching/therapy. My life was greatly transformed from that word. So for you dear reader, be flexible. I realized that for the LORD to be talking about flexibility, it must mean there is some mental resistance that is obstructing growth. Yes indeed, there are mental limitations and beliefs that are perhaps holding you away from that next level of breakthrough. It is time to break past it and break forth into all that the LORD has prepared for you to enter into REST. Decide today, I will be flexible, I will allow the LORD to get through any form of rigidity I have engaged with in the past years, due to many circumstances outside or within your control. This year, choose flexibility, go with the wind, the Spirit of God.
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