You have a gift. You have been given a gift from the creator. There is not one human upon the face of the earth that I am yet to see, that does not have a gift. You just might not have discovered yours but there is something definitely that the LORD has given to you. I remember sitting in church one day, wondering about my life and what I am supposed to be doing. Then, I heard the voice of the LORD, asking me just like he asked Moses, what do you have in your hands? At the time all I could respond was Service, he said use it. From that day till now, there has been such a tremendous shift in my life, still ongoing even. So, what do you have in your hands? How can you use it to advance the kingdom of God here on earth? What ideas have you been given, to begin to run with? You have something in your hands that the LORD has given you, and he is calling your attention to. Will you pay attention and begin to trade it? YOU are Gods investment and he will one day ask for the ROI (return on investment) Let this be your reminder and prompt, to get with heaven's agenda. You have a gift! Use it!
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