Heaven delivered it's promise to earth

The Promise Of Christmas

She said Yes!

The Angel stood before Mary and told her of heaven's mission to give a son through her and she said yes!

Be it unto me according to your word.

Heaven collaborated with man to gift us the promise

The promise from over 7000 years ago.

And that night, in the cold of Bethlehem, in that manger with the sound of bleating animals.

Heaven delivered its promise of a SAVIOR!

As you celebrate this season, step into the revelation of the promise delivered

The promise  is JESUS himself

100% man 100% divinity

Felt everything and came just for you.

There was so much Joy in the atmosphere

He brought with him such love, peace and Joy and righteousness

The Angel stood in the midst of the shepherds and told them, the SAVIOR has been BORN

Nature also corroborated his arrival and the wise men followed the sign to where THE KING was born

Today, this season, bask in the truth of this light.


Tune in your heart to him

Pay attention to him

Jesus is the reason for the season

I know it's been a year filled with many twists and turns and your heart faints


Rejoice, Rejoice!

Your savior is here.

He came and we have the honor in this generation, and beyond, because we are living in manifested promise

Heaven delivered on its promise

Heaven delivered on his promise through collaboration with earth and through the obedience of a virgin obedient daughter, Mary.

Heaven went all out to gift us JESUS

Receive him, renew your commitment to him

Accept his gift of salvation.

Accept heaven's delivered promise

Heaven delivered on their promise


Heaven delivered on their promise.

They will yet even deliver more promises.

Jesus is proof of that.

Heaven delivered on their promise!

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