Cut Yourself Some Slack!

Cut Yourself Some Slack!

You may think I am a workaholic or a very uptight person, but I am telling you this day that I play mobile phone game(s). I even joined the group where we share hints and throw. Lol.

I post on my WhatsApp even on Mondays. I create hilarious videos just for laughs. I know when to do stuff and when to take a break.

I thought I should share this for someone trying so hard, the world may not see the effort and they may not believe you tried your best if there is no result to prove it and that's still fine.

What you believe is more important than what the world believes because you are the one doing the work and if you lose heart, you may not be able to push through.

Cut yourself some slack, take a break and rest. Leave things you can't change for God. Pray and learn how to wait without peeping through the .

We don't post our struggles online but that doesn't mean we don't have one or more than one at a time. We just learn to not allow anything to frustrate us or separate us from the love of the Father.

We know regardless of how it goes, it's for the best, our best.

Breathe, sis. Breathe, bro. BREATHE!

Healing the world through writing.

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Click To Also Read: Have You Ever Felt Like God Has Departed You?

#JosephineOladele #ksmtotheworld #kaymagnate #KolawoleSolomon #ARF #Inspiration

Kolawole Solomon

When my pen bleeds, expressions are kept close to my heart, and as it bleeds the words from deep within through my writings, I discover I have created art. I display a piece of my soul. This is my work, my blood, and it should be an object of pride, no matter how much it is criticized or praised.
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