25 Foods You Think Are Healthy But Are Actually Not

25 Foods That Are NOT As Healthy As They Make You Think

A healthy diet also involves knowledge of what to exclude from the diet just as it includes the consumption of certain foods. You will be amazed at how you have been consuming foods that may look innocent or even branded as healthy to your body, but deep down they harm the body. Companies often use wording on product labels and in their marketing to appeal to customers who are trying to make healthier choices. You might see claims on labels like:

Low fat



Low carb

In fact, sometimes it is not easy to define what kind of food is good for a person, simply because it contains such words as these on the product label or because people categorically consider such food more suitable for a healthy diet than other types of food.

Here are 25 that may not be as healthy as their marketing claims make them out to be, and familiarize yourself with why they should be taken in limited quantities or altogether avoided.


Soda contains sugar that when consumed causes one to gain weight, affects the teeth, and is a risk factor for diabetes. You can simply choose water, herbal tea, or naturally flavored sparkling water.

White Bread

White bread is even processed to death, and you might be surprised to learn that it provides your body with very little nutrient value in terms of vitamins and fiber. However, turn to whole grain bread to increase the content of fiber and nutrients.

Processed Meat

Processed food products such as bacon and sausages, hot dogs, and luncheon meats are rich in fats, salt, and chemicals. These meats have been found to increase the risk of heart disease, and diabetes, and some cancers have been associated with these meats.


Lard contains a high amount of saturated fats that are dangerous to human health and can cause diseases such as heart disease. Replace them with less unhealthy options such as olive oil or avocado oil, for instance.


Microwave Popcorn

Most microwave popcorn products contain unhealthy components like Trans fats and artificial flavors. It is better to use your oven-popped popcorn or choose healthier brands of microwave popcorn.

Fruit Juices

Even if you drink fruit juices you are most likely drinking sweetened products devoid of the fiber content you would get from actual fruits. It can cause obesity and complicate diabetes when taken in large amounts.

Canned Soups

Lots of kinds of soups can contain high amounts of sodium and minimal nutritional values. Canned goods should be homemade or low-sodium if you are conscious about your health.



Eating candy particularly that which is made from sugar causes one to gain weight, suffer from dental problems, or even be at risk for diabetes.

Deep Fried Foods

French fries, onion rings, chicken fingers, and any food that has been fried typically contain unhealthy fats and many calories. The listed foods when incorporated into the diet regularly lead to obesity and heart diseases.

White Rice

White rice is actually a refined grain product that contains little vitamins and minerals and a lot of free gluten. It also has high levels of carbohydrates which are fearsome because they lead to weight addition and high blood sugar levels.


Cookies particularly coco chips are full of sugar, bad fats, and very many calories. These can cause obesity and raise the chances of getting heart problems and diabetes.


Ice Cream

Like cookies, ice cream also contains a huge amount of sugar and unhealthy fats, the likes of which cause weight gain and heart diseases.

Butter and Margarine

Butter has partially saturated fats while on the same note margarine has trans fats. Both are equally dangerous to the health of individuals; they both lead to heart diseases and other complications. However, go for healthier options such as avocado or even olive oil.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

As much as the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches might suggest that the sandwich is healthy a combination of the smooth creamy peanut butter and the refined white bread has high sugar and unhealthy fats.


Creamy Salad Dressings

High-calorie unhealthy fats in creamy salad dressings such as ranch can be very unhealthy for your body. The desert is another area where it is good to make a less drastic change to the usual: it is better to order a lighter vinaigrette.



The health challenges that emanate from excessive drinking of alcohol include obesity, liver disease, and cancer. Reduce the frequency or complete abstinence or switch to something healthier such as red wine.


Energy Drinks

Energy drinks contain a lot of sugar and caffeine and such products lead to weight gain, insomnia, and anxiety.

Sugary Cereals

Although many cereals advertise themselves as "healthy" many contain added sugars that are detrimental to human health in that they can cause obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay. Select those whole grain cereals with the least amount of sugar added to them.


Manufacturers add sugars and other chemicals to the yogurt increasing its harm than the health benefits it brings to consumers. It might be equally as awful as ice cream! Its toppings can turn it into junk in an instant. It has a lot of sugar on top, and unhealthy toppings like gummy bears and crushed Oreo cookies are frequently added. When making your choice, select yogurts with live and active cultures and without any additives, or try making your yogurts at home.

Frozen and Packaged Meals

Most refrigerated and processed foods contain excessive levels of sodium, unfavorable fats, and chemicals lacking in nutritional benefits. These meals cause heart diseases, obesity, and many other chronic diseases that are lethal to man. Select balanced meals with little or no processed foods with added salt and lots of complex carbohydrates and natural products.

Plant-Based Milk

Many individuals select plant-based milk such as rice, almond, and soy due to their perceived higher nutritious content. They believe that plant-based milk is superior to cow's milk. While many brands of plant-based milk claim to be a great choice for weight-conscious people, this milk lacks the same nutritional composition as cow's milk. A better option will be cow's milk over fortified plant-based alternatives unless you have a severe sensitivity to the flavor.

Granola Bars

Quite the contrary, most granola bars are high in sugar and unhealthy fats, yet they are low in protein and fiber. In deciding on the granola bars, it should be done on those that contain whole ingredients and have the lowest sugar content.

Fast Food

Fast foods most of the time contain fats, calories, sodium, and sugar over what is recommended in the nutritional value chart. There are a lot of bad effects associated with eating fatty foods, thus, it is much better to eat fast foods to a lesser extent and eat more whole-natural foods.

Baked Goods

Many breakfast foods such as muffins, pastries, and scones contain significant amounts of sugar, bad fat, and calories. Choose a better variant, for instance, oatmeal or, vice versa, shakes.

Iced Cinnamon Buns

Cinnamon buns, when in their iced form, are a diabetic nightmare, packed with sugary goodness and unhealthy fats that are also high in calories. If taken frequently, they are known to cause obesity, tooth decay, type II diabetes, and other illnesses.


After learning about the 25 dangerous foods that are unhealthy for your body, you can make better selections that improve your health. Eliminate these unhealthy choices and in their stead opt for whole, natural foods to make good choices when it comes to food. Physically and mentally you will be better for it in the long term. There is always current information, so make the right decisions, and take care of yourself.

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