It dropped in my mind that some persons have decided to give up on life due to the fact that all that they proposed to achieve last year didn't work out.
I'll sincerely tell you I know how it feels to have thought of getting to a particular place and on the long run you didn't.
Can I tell you something?
That you didn't give birth last year after many attempts medically and even spiritually doesn't mean God has given up on you Aunty. It is not over!
Good job opportunity is what you've been applying for and this is the beginning of another new year, yet you didn't get it. It is not over!
You're of age to get married but you're under family pressure, friends and social pressure to get married due to this and this had made you become a shadow of yourself, Listen up ma'am, it's not over!
Your hope is not dashed because God is ever faithful!
Don't you ever in any way think God is unkind to you or is being partial because if there's one thing God is not, "....God is not a respecter of persons...."
Trust Jesus, Our Hope of glory!
The fact that it's not done yet Interprets that the best is being prepared for you, it is not over yet sir!
Keep trusting in the God that honors His Word than His Name because He has your best interest at heart ALWAYS.
Inasmuch as you serve Him diligently, You're always on His Mind!
Madam, "...if you fail under pressure, your strength is too small..."
Uncle, if you think your hope in Jesus is dashed, you need to check your faith well because the God you serve cannot forget you even though a mother forgets her suckling child!
The word for you today is.... It's not yet over! Hope still! Enjoy 2022 with Jesus' Joy.
I pray that as you dwell on this, your hope in Jesus is renewed In Jesus Name. Amen.
Happy New Year
#Remain blessed.
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