COURAGE: A Must-Have Human Quality

COURAGE as A Must-Have Human Quality

If we take a closer look at the events happening in our world today, we'll see that it takes a great deal of courage to survive, regardless of the environment we live and work in. Let's explore some definitions of the word "courage."

Courage is the willingness to face negative situations involving danger or pain. Another definition of "courage" is the ability to control fear and be willing to deal with something dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant.

Some people may have different perspectives on this topic. Someone once said to me that I wouldn't need to be courageous if I relocated to a different city, country, or region. However, life is not like that. We all go through tough times, regardless of our financial status, location, or connections. Therefore, we must all be courageous at different times in our life journeys. What may seem like a unique challenge in one region or city may not be the case in another. Some may argue that once they become financially buoyant, they will no longer face difficulties. However, they forget that "the rich also cry."

In our world today, finding encouragement from someone or an external force is rare because human love is fickle. We must all learn to rely on God, who is our inner strength. We can draw inspiration from the story of David in the Bible "1 Sam. 30: 1-8." The man of God had lost everything, including his wives and children. He and his men were so devastated that they were considering stoning him. He searched everywhere for encouragement but found none. But thank God he turned his gaze to his maker and drew courage from within.

Brothers and Sisters, there's a great lesson to learn from this wonderful story. Many people find themselves in similar circumstances today, some have lost everything, including their lives. However, as it's commonly said, "when there is life, there's hope." Whenever you find yourself in a difficult situation, learn to turn your gaze to the Lord, your maker, and draw courage from within you. As a child of God, power resides in you, and it's your birthright. Take advantage of it.

My thoughts and prayers are also with all those experiencing difficulties worldwide. May God visit you with His love and mercy. I pray that you'll come out of that predicament with shouts of victory and triumph in Christ's gracious name. Amen. Remember to be very strong and "courageous."

#PstGershomAsimIta #ksmtotheworld #anticipatingthefuture #difficulttimes #positioning #wisecounsel #movement #innovation #voiceofhope #wisdomspeaks #changes #asymbolofgoodthingstocome #vision #pastorgershomasimita

Kolawole Solomon

When my pen bleeds, expressions are kept close to my heart, and as it bleeds the words from deep within through my writings, I discover I have created art. I display a piece of my soul. This is my work, my blood, and it should be an object of pride, no matter how much it is criticized or praised.
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