Choose God daily

Living for God

Living For God

There's a scripture that comes to mind that I have not been able to let go and it's been one of my very profound anchors.

It is the b part of John 10:10 : here Jesus is speaking that he came so that we might have life and have it in abundance.

I have pondered about this over and over again.

What exactly does it mean to have life? The abundance of life that Jesus mentioned?

Living for God now is about a consciousness that we have been called to be awakened to.

That Jesus took our place of death as a result of the curses and the life of sin we have been living and the path of consistent death we have been on and he restored it with life, a life of freedom and liberty to live to the fullest.


Now, we have been bought with a price, the precious life of the lamb of God was used as an atonement and now we have been given his life.

This is a call to CHOOSE life, choose God, choose the path of life we have been given and begin to make the necessary adjustments but it starts with surrendering to God.

After surrendering , decide to choose him everyday.

Submit your desires, thoughts, ways, feelings, every single desire to the LORD, because you're his child.

Today, I urge you to choose to live for God, to highly esteem the LORD above ALL else.

That the very same way he chose us from before time began, choose him too.

This is an unfolding journey that we are on and the most important part is to believe what Jesus said,  receive it and then allow the Holy Spirit help you live.

Let this be the reminder you need again today, to live for God.

That you will begin to intentionally build and inculcate habits that will position your heart rightly as you begin to chase and delight after the Lover of you soul.

Here are some effective ways to begin to Live for God:

  1. Repent of all that you have highly esteemed above the LORD ( Confess With your mouth and believe with your heart)

  2. Submit all that you have and are before the LORD.

  3. Decide to ALWAYS choose God.

  4. Get resources to help you stay reminded of the love of God for you. (Go here to get a copy of my free book, The Freedom Way )

  5. Be a part of a community, allow the Holy Spirit lead you into the places and spaces that will help you grow spiritually.

  6. Follow the LORD well and follow the people he's given you to be a part of your journey, follow well.

I pray that as you read this, you will decide to continue to choose God.

Kolawole Solomon

When my pen bleeds, expressions are kept close to my heart, and as it bleeds the words from deep within through my writings, I discover I have created art. I display a piece of my soul. This is my work, my blood, and it should be an object of pride, no matter how much it is criticized or praised.
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