Sex is ordained by God to only be enjoyed in #Marriage.
Sex is meant only for married people but the reverse is the case today as we now have little children practicing sex, teenagers engaging in sex, youth involving pre-marital sex.
Some people even now make sex a source of their living. Some even go extra mile in having sex with dogs. Some people even do have phone sex. Some leave their ordained wife to go and have sex with a harlot, thereby committing adultery. Some even go as far as having sex with their children, some In-law. Who Bewitched us?
Some singles can't even do in a day without having sex. Some people's destiny has been long destroyed as a result of premarital sex.
You also need to know that some wives, even go to the extent of having sex with their driver, landlord etc.
All these are heartbreaking and Yaweh is not happy about it at all. I'm not here to condemn but I'm here to call us to repentance. If you have made mistakes in the past, please stand up and come to Calvary. Jesus is waiting to show you mercy and wipe your sins away if only you are ready to surrender at His feet.
I was abused and exposed at early age but the Lord picked me up and changed my story for good. He prepared me for one of His lovely sons. The Lord can also do so for you today if only you are ready to surrender all to #JesusChrist without looking back.
Please, don't let this 5mins enjoyment send you to hell.
I pray for anyone addicted to pre-marital sex to receive his or her deliverance now in Jesus name. I pray for every home that has been scattered as a result of infidelity, receive the Grace to come back together and do the will of God in your marriage in Jesus name.
Always remember, Jesus loves you and He always cares about our repentance.
Seeing marriages blossoming and children being raised in Godly environment is my utmost desire.
Abiola Cares.
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